about us

A social group of dedicated fly fishers who are passionate about fly fishing in the tropical north of Australia and equally as passionate about the close camaraderie this sport brings. This passion and dedication led to the creation of the NT Flyfishers Social Mob blog site; an interactive and creative outlet where everyone can share our wonderful fly fishing adventures and link into the “after fishing” social events we enjoy in this incredible part of the world.

Wednesday 10 August 2016


The NTFF Inc. is having a club trip to Bynoe over the weekend of the 13th and 14th August.   The conditions ie wind looks good at this stage and here are the tides....

now many may think that the tides are not much good....no flow...(if you lived in the East it would be a big tide).....but these tides may not be the usual for flats fishing for us up here ie four metres movement, but if the water is clear as it has been lately it will open up a whole new world, so advice from some of the old hands is, explore the reefs that you avoid because of the tidal movement and the adjoining sand flats.

Look for drains like this in the clear water, because the fish, particularly barra and salmon will often congregate in some of them.  If one drain doesn't work...try another....

These tides will also allow you to spend a lot more time over the flats because they will be covered longer and often this is when you see the bigger fish just swimming along in groups.  The are usually out from the mangroves because they can't get into the smaller fish in the roots, so they are well out on the flats.  Some of the biggest barra have been spotted on tides like this well out from the shoreline, so keep an eye out. Try some bigger flies too like fat boys along these drains.

 Have a special look on the sand flats around the shallow reefs where the crabs dwell, because the tailing fish with yellow fins may not be goldies...but the Dart/Pompano/Permit schools that are around and easier to find on the tides.

Peter Morse put out an article some time ago on these fish and while he mentions a different tide, which was around Queensland I believe, it will be similar to this weekends for the fish.   Click on his name for the link.

I will wager that although not a lot of fish may be landed, a lot will be seen and some big ones will test some of you.

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