about us

A social group of dedicated fly fishers who are passionate about fly fishing in the tropical north of Australia and equally as passionate about the close camaraderie this sport brings. This passion and dedication led to the creation of the NT Flyfishers Social Mob blog site; an interactive and creative outlet where everyone can share our wonderful fly fishing adventures and link into the “after fishing” social events we enjoy in this incredible part of the world.

Wednesday 30 April 2014

This was a first

I went to Corroboree on Tuesday with one of the group lenny and I guided last week, we were down in Saratoga Alley when a loud bang on my electric happened, I immediately stopped and another loud bang and my 5,5 m Black Arrow was lifted maybe 2 to 3 feet up violently, I saw the tell tale bubbles move away about 5 metres and was dismayed to suddenly see them returning.

What concerned me was had the person fishing in question been older or not agile he would certainly have gone in the drink, a Crocodile attacking my electric has never happened before in all the years guiding on Corroboree and was the first encounter that put me in the middle of the boat.

Location 300 metres upstream of the Palm Lagoon run out, I have seen this big black leviathon before  in this area he had a pig once and followed Dotty and i very close till we got up and left.

And no,this isn't an attempt to keep anyone out of there during the Corroboree Cup its for real.


  1. As the person at the front of Graeme's boat fishing when it was hit, I can attest that this happened for real. Luckily I was not standing on the bow at the time. Thankfully he was a pro and got us & the boat back in one piece.

  2. There is definitely a facination between crocs and the hum of an electric motor. I had a similar experience at yellow waters when I first bought an electric. This old fella just took a bit of an unhealthy liking to the sound in his territory. Needless to say we vacated his territory. Many years ago while catching aquarium fish on the Adelaide at night we had a rather large croc pull up underneath the punt and raise his head actually lifting the punt out of the water. Again we moved away and left him to it. They are amazing animals and definitely deserve our respect.

  3. Graeme, I heard that one of the DFR members boat was attacked it that exact same location last Saturday.
    It smashed into the side of their boat & left some nice scars. You should report to the croc catchers straight away!

  4. Have left a message with the crocwise guys, and let the media outlets know also, just to be on the safe side
