about us

A social group of dedicated fly fishers who are passionate about fly fishing in the tropical north of Australia and equally as passionate about the close camaraderie this sport brings. This passion and dedication led to the creation of the NT Flyfishers Social Mob blog site; an interactive and creative outlet where everyone can share our wonderful fly fishing adventures and link into the “after fishing” social events we enjoy in this incredible part of the world.

Saturday 15 June 2013

The STS Fly

Recent readers of a post on the blog might recall Wayne Williams creating a fly that has arguably exceptional qualities as a fly for all comers.

Being of a suspicious mind on spurious claims of this nature, I decided to invite Wayne and take it out to the coalface and see what happened.

After driving out of the harbour and looking for a non existent pod of Tuna we decided to spend the last of the run out looking for something to test the fly on, first up with some judicious and highly accurate casting I managed to hook a Mud crab, unfortunately the the hook wouldn't penetrate and the weedguard got in the way of any decent penetration so it was lost. My concerns about the fly's ability was met with a blank look from Wayne.

Next up  a stud Bream was spotted and it completely ignored me, again my concerns for the generic nature of the said Fly was met with disdain, now this Fly named the STS or Sunrise To Sunset carried a high expectation seeing I had discarded my favorite Clouser.

Sunset to Sunrise Fly

On a leisurely drift along a nice flat we were confronted with a pretty good looking Blue Salmon, that fish had no hesitation, exploding after the offering and amazingly whilst being a reasonable size has taken Wayne into the backing, I said that's impressive and the fight was well handled, his reaction to my inquiring about did he have the drag done up wasn't,...I was only asking!

Anyway, everything did eat it, Barra etc., I now have a number of them in my box and have been converted, having said that its not a good muddie fly I'm sorry I have to tell it like it is, as we lost a couple more. It has a great look in the water, as for the hype about being a Barra a cast fly, that has to be read with the ability to put it where you need to.

Overall I'm impressed.


  1. Yes it is a good fly. I have a slight variation that involves yellow bird fur because I didnt have any yellow bucktail. It works well. I hook and droppped a 75-80cm barra off Cahills crossing on Saturday with it, but Kate was using a orange and red bird fur thing and she caught 2 barra. I think Graeme's comment about the ability of the user might be right on the mark.


  2. The bird fur seems to be outstanding at times, we are trying to get more of it. Put a bird fur fly in the water and watch it move. I just love it.

  3. The only thing I don't like about it is that it really thins down in the water. I like flies that have a bit of bulk and create a pulse in the water. Bird fur looks great, big and fluffy when it is dry but slims right down when it's wet.
