about us

A social group of dedicated fly fishers who are passionate about fly fishing in the tropical north of Australia and equally as passionate about the close camaraderie this sport brings. This passion and dedication led to the creation of the NT Flyfishers Social Mob blog site; an interactive and creative outlet where everyone can share our wonderful fly fishing adventures and link into the “after fishing” social events we enjoy in this incredible part of the world.

Thursday 11 April 2013

Brokenflagen fishing report from Bynoe Harbour (Last Saturday)

Hi all,

Justine and I went fishing at Bynoe (Milne inlet) last Saturday and what a great day it was. Launched as the sun was just lighting the sky, slowly planed out to the creek across from Knife island with that first hint of coolness in the air.

I have to admit we were fishing on the dark side (Justine set up her fly rod) and after a couple of casts at the bank I was on! Nice Barra, But it seems I have forgotten how to tie a lure on as the lure just slipped off the end of my line. (Not happy).

Justine did have a go at flying a line but no luck, after she picked her overhead combo up she managed to add 3 new species to her list of catches. Thread-fin Salmon, Barracuda and a catfish. She was happy with this but I have to say getting the Barracuda off the lure was a bit of a challenge.

 One small fingermark for me so I had to listen to Justine skiting all the way home, good on her.

All in all a very nice day out.

Cheers to all

Marty and Jus. (The Brokenflagens)

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